Friday, May 3, 2024
Crypto World Journal is proud to announce that Frank Abagnale will be a featured speaker at their upcoming event, Blockchain Nation! Frank Abagnale is one of the world’s most respected authorities on forgery, embezzlement, and secure documents. For over 40 years...
Year 2018 was a rough year for cryptocurrencies when it comes to price, with a couple of long, sustained collapses that “sandwiched” a brief period of stabilization. Whereas more people got familiarized with the concept of blockchain and digital assets,...
The entity believes that the first cryptocurrency can revolutionize the international financial world On November 27th, the World Trade Organization (WTO) published a report about the impact of blockchain technology on international trade. One study says that the global economic...
Dave Kleiman and Craig Wright are recognized within the cryptocurrency industry as the two most important people behind Bitcoin’s rise to prominence. They are, allegedly, the ones behind the widely famous and controversial “Satoshi Nakamoto” pseudonym. The two were friends...
It is expected that more Irish banking institutions become more involved with this technology, which is finding support within the country's financial system In recent reports published by the most important financial institutions in Ireland, it was...
New cryptocurrency exchanges seem to pop up like dandelions in a suburban front lawn. Every day, a new exchange touts it has the lowest prices, fastest trades, and best opportunities. How can you be sure that the exchange you’re...
15 Percent Tax Will Increase OTC In Thailand A couple of weeks ago, the Thailand Ministry of Finance implemented a 15% capital gain tax (CGT) on all cryptocurrency transactions. The new tax is also referred to as a withholding tax...
Thanks to the Entrepreneurs Fund of the Repsol Foundation, the alliance between the oil company and the Finboot company materialized The Spanish multinational company Repsol announced on January 13, through an official report, its plans to use...
2017 is almost certain to go down in historical record as the year in which interest in token sales truly took off. A mere glance at the meteoric rise of funds raised cumulatively by token sales during this year...
Crypto World Journal is proud to announce that Jim Rogers will be a featured speaker at their upcoming event, Blockchain Nation! Jim Rogers is an American businessman, investor, traveler, financial commentator and author based in Singapore. Rogers is the Chairman of...