Saturday, May 4, 2024
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There is a lot of dialogue surrounding the potential for a Bitcoin fork. The reasons behind it and the potential impact of forking the original bitcoin blockchain are beyond the scope of this article and is better left for...
On November 8th, Amazon cloud computing services (AWS), together with Kaleido, a ConsenSys company, presented a technology trading platform to help companies create their own distributed accounting projects. This platform was named as "Blockchain Marketplace" is a digital services market...
While Blockchain technology and concept of cryptocurrencies enter economical markets of more and more countries, people getting interested in the new electronic monetary phenomenon. While some countries have strong established and regulated policies that are effectively monitored and enforced,...
Uruguay begins financing blockchain projects through public and private investment. Companies like ThalesLab and ANII are evaluating different ideas to take advantage of blockchain technology. ThalesLab and the National Agency for Innovation and Research (ANII) of Uruguay announced that the public...
The new system will avoid producing more than 50 tons of CO2 and will be used to transport fuel, using blockchain technology Performing the sale and dispatch of biofuel through blockchain technology is now a...
The Venezuelan government recently banned the import of cryptocurrency mining equipment. Venezuela has been highlighted by crypto-specialized media in recent months, kicked off by the announcement of the Petro, as a new national, petroleum based, “cryptocurrency” and the increasing...
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are moving towards the mainstream Cryptocurrencies were initially seen as a challenge and standing in opposition to traditional centralized banking. So far, they have made only small steps towards entering the everyday economy. Legislative restrictions passed...
Everyday new venture companies seem to be more and more interested to Invest in Crypto-Currency and Blockchain related businesses. Venrock, Rockefeller´s Venture firms recently became part of this list starting to invest in Crypto-Currency companies, such as CoinFund. Venrock has...
Crypto World Journal is proud to announce that Pratin Vallabhaneni will be a featured speaker at their upcoming event, Blockchain Nation!Pratin Vallabhaneni advises clients on a broad range of corporate and finance transactions and financial regulatory matters. He regularly advises...
     As the world of cryptocurrency, fintech, blockchain, artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies become more popular and penetrate new markets, a rise in the number of industry conferences has created a healthy competition for the attention of...