Saturday, May 4, 2024
The Ministry of Finance proposed that a collaborative public platform be developed. The project was announced last Thursday, October 10th, but no release date was reported. The federal government of Mexico again holds the magnifying...
Facebook's new project, Libra, has lost 5 members since the announcement of its launch in June. It is increasingly uphill for Facebook to conduct its crypto-project and develop its digital coin, Libra. Last October 11th,...
It is estimated that by 2020 the tool will be available for about 20,000 small Honduran producers, who would benefit from loans. Honduras is one of the 10 countries that more coffee produces globally. Now...
This country has offered work visas for blockchain experts, uses Apps based on blockchain platforms and issues laws related to cryptocurrencies and other crypto assets. Even when the world talks more and more about cryptocurrencies, blockchain...
This is not the first cryptoactive that has been backed by gold. One of the largest refineries on the planet, Mint Perth, recently announced the launch of a new token in Ethereum that will be backed...
These jobs are published even when the bank’s chief technology officer said the bank is against blockchain technology Bank of America, one of the largest banking institutions in the United States, has begun the search...
The loss of investor interest seems to be the leading cause of death. Cryptocurrency projects called scams comprise the second most affected group. Halloween is approaching, so it seems appropriate to observe the cryptocurrency graveyard. Even...
Through an alliance between the Swiss Central Bank and some exchange companies, this country will seek to design PoC for digital currencies that will be included in its financial system. In the cryptocurrency market there...
The event was attended by more than 39 speakers from the blockchain ecosystem. It featured the participation of different companies in the blockchain movement operating in Europe, such as Huawei, Paxful and BTCC. The largest blockchain...
Between April and October, some crypto-miners in China go to provinces or cities where it is not raining in order to mine without spending large sums of money. The rainy seasons in China have generated...