Blockchain is a Bubble – Steve Wozniak

     The co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak, believes that blockchain technology is a bubble, like the dotcom bubble in his time, according to a...

Malta Approves Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Projects

     One of the most open minded countries towards the world of blockchain, for many months  has been Malta. The general attitude towards...

Goldman Sachs Stance on Cryptocurrency

"It is 'Too arrogant' to argue that Crypto will not work because they are 'unknown'", Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, ratified his...

Pier – Blockchain Platform for Brazil Central Bank

“Pier”, Brazil’s anti-corruption blockchain platform. “Pier” is the codename for the recently announced Brazil’s Central Bank (BCB) blockchain platform. The platform will be used...

BBVA Opposes Regulation

"Innovate or die!" This is how the CEO of BBVA, Carlos Torres, summarized the vision of the bank on the future of the economy and...

IBM & MediaOcean Blockchain Platform

     Recently, IBM iX, announced the company's digital design services branch, and unveiled their partnership with MediaOcean to create a blockchain consortium for media agreements,...