Fabric developers will be able to build their own Dapps. Solidity and Vyper will be programming languages for smart contracts

The Hyperledger consortium project announced, on October 26th, that it works in the possibility of developing and executing smart contracts of Ethereum network. This integration will allow to Fabric users to create their own decentralized applications, better known as Dapps.

Some developers of different applications use blockchain to take advantage of some of its features, such as data storage in a distributed way. Some people choose Ethereum and others choose Hyperledger. However, there is also the possibility of combining them to obtain different results.

In the Hyperledger Fabric next 1.3 version, creators will be able to generate smart contracts written in the Solidity or Vyper programming languages to create Dapps, since Fabric is compatible with Ethereum.

According to what the blockchain framework informed, people interested in this initiative will have the option to produce smart contracts through the Ethereum platform and have them run in the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain.

“Great news! Hyperledger Fabric now supports Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) bytecode smart contracts”, said the company on its Twitter account. The Ethereum ecosystem is a community of developers that Hyperledger would like to take advantage of, in order to attract a wider audience.

Its structure

The bid will incorporate four modules, which include accounting technology, membership services, the consensus mechanism -or identity management- and the smart contract application code, which will allow users to consult accounts and contract codes.

Among the new implementations to the Hyperledger Fabric platform is a library web3.js, which will allow customers to migrate and develop decentralized applications in the Fab3 API.

The smart contracts of Hyperledger will not use ether or tokens, but they will need gas to fulfill their transactions. Each smart contract transaction will need a sufficient amount of gas to execute those applications. The idea of using gas is to prevent developers from running useless applications and monopolizing network resources.

“For each transaction that runs through the EVM, sufficient gas must be provided to ensure completion. This ensures that the miners do not run the risk of DoS, caused by an infinite loop and computer resources are wasted”, the organization explained in a press release.

 Breaking barriers

Previously, the Burrow project allowed smart contracts written for the Ethereum platform to run on the virtual machine with Hyperledger permission. The last development is a competition of the Burrow project that aimed to break the barrier between the two platforms.

With the launch of Hyperledger Fabric 1.3, which happened two weeks ago, the integration between Burrow and Fabric was completed. This union allows smart contracts written in the Ethereum Virtual Machine to run in the Hyperledger blockchain without any modification.

From now, Hyperledger Fabric plans to reach Remix and Truffle users. It is also investigating new applications for the tools offered by the Ethereum blockchain on their platform. The team also have been focusing on adopting other features of the Ethereum ecosystem.

By María Rodríguez


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