The document analyzes blockchain technology and its possible adoption in the Spanish University System. The report also shows examples of use cases.

Recently, the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) published “Blockchain at the University”, the fifth edition of its ICT 360º report (Information and Communications Technology), dedicated to the emerging technology of distributed registers or blockchain.

Spanish local media reported this information. This news highlights that, despite that the Covid-19 outbreak and the quarantine time paralyzed different processes and sectors around the world, that same crisis accelerated digitization processes and the adoption of new technologies such as blockchain, as a payment method.

In the case of Spain, the Covid-19 outbreak generated a strong impact. All Spanish universities had to close their doors and offer an online service so that students could continue with their activities. All this change occurred in just 72 hours.

Thanks to the fact that many Spanish universities already had new educational technologies, these institutions have been able to guarantee the quality of distance learning, offered in a complex stage during and after the pandemic.

About the Blockchain Report

The objective of this report developed by the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities is to analyze the strategic situation of blockchain technology and its possible adoption in the Spanish University System. On the other hand, this report shows and explains the use-cases of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT).

Among other details, local media pointed out that the analysis consists of eight chapters signed by nine authors. Some professionals that participated in the report are Andrés J. Prado, from the University of Castilla La Mancha; Antonio Tenorio, from Decentralized Science; Ricardo Martínez, from the University of Valencia; Diego R. López, from Telefónica I + D; Lluís Alfons Ariño, from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili; Jesús Ruiz, from Alastria; José Luis Hernández and Francisco Cruz, both from the Carlos III University of Madrid; and Carlos Castro-Iragorri, from the Universidad del Rosario, Colombia.

One of the universities that have stood out for the use of this technology is the Carlos III University of Madrid, which since its early years has sought to support teaching activities using new technologies.

For almost four years, this university has been interested in the use of blockchain technology. In 2016, the UC3M Computing and Communications Service was following initiatives to use blockchain technology within the field of education. Now, this university is one of the institutions that would consider using this technology.

Blockchain Technology Benefits

According to José Luis Hernández Fernández and Francisco Cruz Argudo, both professionals at UC3M, blockchain technology can help promote various certifications. These professionals say that blockchain technology offers many advantages. One of the most important benefits is that it prevents the falsification of information.

Employing blockchain technology reinforces not only academic management but also benefits the protection of intellectual property. Juan Gómez Ortega, president of Crue TIC and rector of the University of Jaén, comments that this technology can serve as a new way of issuing, verifying, and validating university credentials. In this way, it could replace the traditional academic diploma.

More and more universities are studying how to incorporate blockchain technology into their study programs, as a platform for storing information, or as a technology for the secure issuance of unalterable academic degrees.

By María Rodríguez


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