Thursday, May 2, 2024
Thanks to the support of more than 36 developers, the community will give birth to a new network called Hive. A user compared the plan to a shipwreck in which most are saved while the captain sinks.
IdentiCAT is the name of the new platform based on blockchain technology that will allow citizens to make online purchases through a digital identity. The Government of Catalonia has recently announced that it is already prepared...
SNICKER would send a message to the wallet of the user that was selected for the coinjoin. The proposal was devised two years ago and would have a better performance with Taproot. Bitcoin developer Adam...
The element with the greatest weight is the publication of the March CPI inflation numbers in the United States. All data related to the US are in the top positions of importance for...
According to Voice, that social network will run on an EOSIO blockchain, developed from scratch for that purpose. This decision seeks to avoid competition for computer resources on the EOS blockchain. The company behind,...
As part of a plan to counteract the financing of terrorism and money laundering, this region establishes an agreement of independent actions where it includes cryptocurrencies as a risk factor. As part of a set of...
The level of adoption has not registered significant growth in the last year. Approximately 132,000 transactions have been made following the protocol for two years. On August 23rd, two years after the implementation of SegWit (Segregated...