Monday, May 6, 2024
Patrick Harker says that in about 5 years the US would be prepared to launch its own cryptoactive. Currently, many governments have been surprised by the announcement of Facebook about the launch of its own...
Ever since Bitcoin proved that it has the ability to be worth $20,000, it earned worldwide attention even during its subsequent slump. Now, many investors are hedging their funds by turning them in BTC; this is, by far the world’s most...
According to research data, 42 % of jobs in the crypto industry are granted by exchange houses. In a recent publication on employment rates in the cryptocurrency industry, researchers focused on knowing these aspects...
This year, the institution will start its pilot project to give its graduates online certificates backed by blockchain During last year and these first weeks of 2019, blockchain technology has increasingly achieved work fields in...
Almost 10% of the cryptocurrency exchanges considered in the survey do not have a country of registration. The amount of funds transferred by G20 countries is reduced as stock exchanges are distributed worldwide. The United Kingdom...
The malware was found in downloadable files of the Monero CLI wallet. According to Monero developers, the attack was active for a few minutes. The developer team of Monero, a privacy-focused cryptocurrency, issued an alert to...
Radio Networks have restricted the use of computer equipment to prevent further spread.  Experts believe that it may be a new massive attack of the ransomware Ryuk. On Monday, November 4th, there was a massive...
Developer Francisco Calderón explained that these nodes monitor the states of the payment channels. Currently, only Lightning Labs’ LND implementation has incorporated this functionality. Among the proposals to solve Bitcoin’s scaling problems, one that generates more...
In the crypto-world, there are devices to process nodes of Bitcoin, in addition to protecting vital information for blockchain users. Recently, the phone manufacturer HTC launched a new mobile phone with the ability to process up...
On March 26, 2024, the CNPD ordered Worldcoin to suspend data collection activities for a period of 90 days, citing concerns about user privacy and possible violations of regulations. The move comes amid scrutiny over Worldcoin's...