Friday, April 26, 2024
     The co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak, believes that blockchain technology is a bubble, like the dotcom bubble in his time, according to a local newspaper on Wednesday. During a conference in New York, Wozniak expressed that the dotcom era created...
     One of the most open minded countries towards the world of blockchain, for many months  has been Malta. The general attitude towards the industry is that blockchain is here to stay. Recently, the parliament approved projects on cryptocurrency...
“Pier”, Brazil’s anti-corruption blockchain platform. “Pier” is the codename for the recently announced Brazil’s Central Bank (BCB) blockchain platform. The platform will be used to facilitate information exchanged between the country's financial regulators and the BCB. According to an official...
"Innovate or die!" This is how the CEO of BBVA, Carlos Torres, summarized the vision of the bank on the future of the economy and financial sector. The executive observes the potential in cryptocurrency, in contrast to the opinion of regulators, and...
     Recently, IBM iX, announced the company's digital design services branch, and unveiled their partnership with MediaOcean to create a blockchain consortium for media agreements, which will draw attention from important agencies, advertisers and publishers Companies included in the consortium are...
Kurt Russell joins the cast of a new movie about cryptocurrency... The popularity of blockchain and cryptocurrencies continue to reach industries outside of technology and finance. The cinema is now included on the list of industries that have been influenced...
     The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) awarded the blockchain  project Factom with $193,380 to support the testing of a platform that aims to secure  information from border police cameras and sensors, the Department announced last Friday. This project...
     Two of the biggest and most high profile banks in Russia plan to support cryptocurrency portfolios for their clients, according to local press reports. Under the supervision of the central bank, Alfa Bank and Sberbank will offer their clients special...
     Last April, regulated financial institutions in India where forbidden from providing services to cryptocurrency businesses. This came after a statement published by the Reserve Bank of India, which prohibited dealing in virtual currencies. In response to these...
     After the cryptocurrency “boom” of the past few months, many states in the US have found themselves in the need to update their legislatures, in order to make sure any new concepts are properly treated within the...