Wednesday, May 8, 2024
According to research data, 42 % of jobs in the crypto industry are granted by exchange houses. In a recent publication on employment rates in the cryptocurrency industry, researchers focused on knowing these aspects...
There have been several changes in decisions around ProgPoW in the past 2 years. The new mining algorithm emerged in response to the advantages of ASICs. After Ethereum developers dismissed the inclusion of Programmatic Proof of...
Users can exchange their ANT tokens until next February 10th. The new project will allow interested parties to participate in solving disputes within DAOs. The Aragon platform is preparing to enable the first decentralized court in...
Tether has been used in 99% of the Bitcoin spot trades in China so far this year. Binance has just launched a P2P yuan exchange service between peers in China. Investors in Bitcoin and other...
Following the Bitcoin Cash hard fork that took place on November 15th, the crypto market began a downward trend that is still taking place at the moment of writing this piece. Bitcoin, the world’s premier digital asset, has experienced...
The president of the Finance Committee considers Libra Coin is a threat to the country's economy In just two weeks, Russia will have a formal regulation, already revised and corrected, related to the use of cryptocurrencies...
Among the lowest-ranked cryptocurrency exchanges are sites like LocalBitcoins and Buddha. According to CryptoCompare, the volume of these platforms was about USD 275 billion. Those cryptocurrency exchanges regarded as the lowest-ranking have gained about 6% of the global...
The city of Buenos Aires will launch the blockchain-based digital identity “QuarkID” starting in October, and at the end of the year they will present a roadmap. ZkSync will act as a settlement layer for QuarkID...
Crypto World Journal is proud to announce that Frank Abagnale will be a featured speaker at their upcoming event, Blockchain Nation! Frank Abagnale is one of the world’s most respected authorities on forgery, embezzlement, and secure documents. For over 40 years...
The Bitcoin protocol is the first in history that has made it possible to create and sustain a decentralized monetary system. While fiat currencies inevitably tend to depreciate and favor spending over time, BTC may be...