Monday, May 20, 2024
This figure exists in some countries as a customer ombudsman to defend customers from banks. Some doubts persist about how to transfer this figure to the free world of cryptocurrencies. Nadia Calviño, The...
Thai entrepreneurs have benefited from the repression against Chinese miners by buying mining equipment cheaply. Pongsakorn says Bitcoin is digital gold since miners receive dividends according to its price, as with the precious metal.
The President of Russia said cryptocurrencies can serve as a payment method but considers it premature to use them in government exports of raw materials. Vitalik Buterin explained that Bitcoin is a platform where the value...
The spread of the coronavirus in China is leading to unsuspected consequences. The Chinese government has even put bank notes in quarantine. The entire world knows the delicate situation that China is currently undergoing due to...
Many experts believe the value of Bitcoin will reach USD 100,000, proving its ability to recover from its worst drops. Twitter commentator Alex highlighted that the figure around USD 120,000 has little value in the long...
The star of the iconic nineties series Baywatch has also announced plenty of possibilities of launching NFT on the cryptocurrency social network BitClout. Pamela Anderson is a familiar face for those who were...
María Muñoz believes that Spain can be a safe destination for investors in the cryptocurrency sector. The Ciudadanos party raised regulations on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and launched a campaign to provide information and security to...
The CEO of the Binance cryptocurrency exchange considers that entrepreneurs should issue their own cryptocurrency. He said that investing in crypto assets like BTC, ETH and BNB is not usually a good deal.
The second country with the highest Bitcoin mining hash rate in the world is Kazakhstan. The Eurasian country is putting limits on electricity consumption by mining facilities. Kazakhstan received Bitcoin miners fleeing from...
Bitcoin, USDT, Litecoin, Tron, and Bitcoin Cash are going through donations to Cubans affected by the current situation in the Nation. Some Cubans are using cryptocurrencies as an alternative to sending donations to...