Blockchain technology is more valuable than the internet itself

According to Chen Weihong, host of the popular segment on Chinese television called “Dialogue”, blockchain technology will has an economic value 10 times more than the internet.

In a one-hour segment on the CCTT finance channel, Chen had a segment aimed at educating viewers about what blockchain is, their risks, potentials and implications for this technology that is revolutionizing the entire world.

Also, Chen featured high profile guests on his show, such as Dan Tapscott, author of  “Blockchain Revolution”, the CEO of Xunlei, Chen Lei and Zhang Shoucheng, owner and founder of Danhua Capital, a firm dedicated to investment in blockchain technology.

After a brief introductory discussion and an explanation of basic basic blockchain terminology, the host, Chen Weihong, established that blockchain technology could be the second phase of the internet, and that the value would amount to 10 times more than the actual internet.

“While the real value of the internet is in adding individual pieces of information to a place, – which is exactly what Google and Facebook do – we are now entering an era where information is being decentralized so that individuals can add its own data, and that’s why the real value of the blockchain is so exciting,”

said Chen.

During the course of the program, other topics were discussed such as the risk of ICOs, noting that projects should have known spokespersons, and to avoid fraudulent offers and thus continue to debug blockchain projects throughout China.


by Samuel Paz


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