Attendees to events must present digital certification verifying their good health. The application claims to guarantee the privacy and security of data to users.

A pilot test with roots in a blockchain application is about to go public in the Catalan city of Girona, Spain.

The goal is to bring people more liberty to travel, attend public events, and do other activities that existed previously every day without compromising others’ health.

“If the pilot test brings favorable results, the idea is to integrate it in the rest of the territory,” said Quirze Salomón, president of the Blockchain Center of Catalonia. This project has been under development for some time, and various media outlets have been following the news.

The Obrir Girona project initiative (Open Girona, in Spanish) builds its solid structure thanks to the Blockchain Center of Catalonia (CBCat) and received support from the City Council, the University of Girona, as well as The Commerce entities of Barcelona and Girona, with the help of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

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The main goal is to gain possibilities to reinsert their lives again into the everyday-life and arrive at these mass events, reducing the chances of becoming infected and infecting others through a digital health certification system regarding Covid-19.

The security accreditation method will go through AOKpass, a platform with roots in the Ethereum blockchain. According to the Blockchain Center of Catalonia, this point is essential to bring security and respectful treatment for all team members. 

The privacy and authenticity of personal data wander around since this blockchain works as a public entity and its decentralization, which means that the data will never be at the hands of any other company, third-party, public institution, or private.

Besides, according to what The Blockchain center affirms, there is reliability and transparency through the entire process, in every possible way, placing safety as the first feature and allowing the users to be entirely and solely responsible for their data. With the user being solely responsible for their data.

The AOKpass application permits the verification of health status with health certificates. Test results are kept digitally on the user’s mobile phone and without reaching a database at any time. In this way, the user presents the digital pass to the high.

Within the schedule are many sporting, cultural, and other recreational events. Girona airport is also studying the chances of joining the force in the event.

This initiative is not the first time users find a blockchain-based digital health certification against Covid-19. There has been media coverage about events like this long before this one.

 A report through various media outlets talked about an application under IBM’s development to create a system to monitor the user, record coronavirus tests and temperature scans. The app can share this data with third parties and use it to pass to a particular place.

By: Jenson Nuñez


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