The relevant feature of Elquirex is the ease with which transactions can be made. Elquirex is a cryptocurrency exchange legally registered in London with the necessary permits to operate.
Exchanging cryptocurrencies is a growing need among those who know about cryptocurrencies and trading. For that reason, one of the best solutions to exchange cryptocurrencies quickly and easily is described in this article.
Exchanging Bitcoin to Ether is a simple task for anyone who investigates current options. However, every cryptocurrency enthusiast reaches a point where he realizes that there are some exchange houses with more benefits than others. Thus, choosing an exchange house for this task can become crucial.
Elquirex emerges as the possible solution to make the exchange. Elquirex, an exchange house legally registered in London, has the necessary permits to conduct financial activities and operate in accordance with international law.
The company is committed to offering the best exchange service to the cryptocurrency community, so the platform seeks to allow conducting financial transactions safely and quickly. Besides, the platform provides information about each cryptocurrency, which helps make the correct exchange and earn money during fluctuations in the prices of cryptocurrencies.
Exchanging Cryptocurrencies in a Few Steps
The most relevant feature of Elquirex is the ease with which transactions can be conducted. To make an exchange on the platform, users must follow a few steps:
• Select a pair of cryptocurrencies on the Exchange’s main page and enter the desired amount.
• Enter the wallet address where the cryptocurrencies will be received and click on “Exchange”
• Verify that all data is correct and enter personal e-mail on the page that is displayed.
• Provide a link to the transaction for confirmation once the transfer to the wallet address is completed.
• Wait to receive the cryptocurrencies within the specified period of time.
Growth and Development Worthy of an Exchange
The constant growth of Elquirex allows it to offer its customers an additional bonus for bringing new users to the platform. Additionally, the platform will soon add a loan service for those who need fiat money and prefer to hold their cryptocurrencies.
The services mentioned and the plans embodied in the platform’s roadmap, such as the creation of its own token and the addition of smart contracts on the platform, allow intuiting that sooner rather than later Elquirex services will become market leaders, if compared with other known exchange houses.
Opportunity to Obtain Profits
Elquirex offers users the opportunity to take advantage of the rapid price movements that, for example, Bitcoin has suffered recently. The growth of Bakkt’s Bitcoin futures volume of 3,100% since its inception offered a valuable opportunity on October 9th, when the price of BTC rose from USD 8,000 to USD 8,500.
At the time of writing this article, the volume of Bakkt contracts is 37 BTC. When the increase in the price of the cryptocurrency occurred, the volume was 224 BTC. Thus, in a familiar future scenario, Elquirex may be the most viable option to take advantage of the situation and generate profits by exchanging cryptocurrencies on the platform.
By Willmen Blanco