Russian Government Discusses Use of Digital Assets for International Payments

According to a Russian representative, the use of digital assets is an issue that requires a lot of attention. They talk...

The Bitcoin Price Would Go Up, and there Could be a...

Bear Market Rallies are everyday events in bear markets. In the bear market of 2018, the price of bitcoin marked at...

Huobi Purchased Bitex Exchange is about to Set an Expansion over...

Huobi revealed the acquisition of Bitex, which has a network headquartered in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The...

Ether Miners Must Choose between Migrating to another Cryptocurrency and Selling...

Ethereum has planned to replace PoW with a PoS consensus algorithm in its protocol from its inception. Ethereum Classic has not...

Salvadorans Choose to Use the Dollar Instead of Bitcoin as a...

More than half of the respondents know about bitcoin but do not back up its use as a payment method. The...

Binance Would Support Twitter in Conducted a Crossover to the Web

CZ highlights that brand new technologies would help a platform such as Twitter move to web3. Binance supported with USD 500...