An Internet Entrepreneur Believes the Mainstream Use of Currencies Needs a...

Kim Dotcom thinks cryptocurrencies will go mainstream with use when they break free from oppression through decentralization. Although he predicted that...

The Ethereum Merger that Promises to Shake Up the Cryptocurrency Market

The technology that supports the most important digital currency after Bitcoin is drawing close to a profound change that will affect...

Bitcoin MVRV Indicator Confirms Bottom and Return to Positive Territory: On-Chain...

BTC price has risen above its realized price. Market-Value-To-Realized-Value (MVRV) is an indicator that measures the relationship between...

While Authorities Freeze the Assets of Vauld, a New Cryptocurrency Emerges...

Armin Rezaiean-Asel explained that Coinbase would pause its transactions during the Ethereum Merge to help reflect its success in the systems....

Against and for Cryptocurrencies

Since 2020 they have had a vertiginous price growth, so far this year the fall has plummeted and the future of...

Bitcoin Might End the Dominance of the US Dollar

In 1971, President Nixon reached a deal with Saudi Arabia in which the latter would only accept US dollars for its...