Craig Wright threatens to force and operators to change...
Wright's statements are a clear indication of the programmer's lack of
knowledge of the laws applicable to copyright on the digital currency.
Philippines is Closer to a Definitive Adoption of Cryptocurrencies
Philippines is among the countries with the highest acceptance and adoption of
cryptocurrencies in the world.
Since the beginning...
Australia Will Use Blockchain Technology to Protect Biodiversity
The initiative will seek to take advantage
of blockchain technology to help conserve biodiversity in the oceanic country,
as well as establishing “biotokens”,...
Israeli Banking institutions Refuse to Open Accounts to Associations Related to...
The refusal is due, in part, to the
distrust that banking institutions have for businesses with cryptocurrencies
The issue...
English Premier League Champions Manchester City Unveils Project that Tokenizes Players
The world is, little by
little, becoming increasingly more "tokenized," as companies and
firms want to incorporate their offerings into the blockchain technology. The
Litecoin Difficulty Rate and Network Hash levels Dropped Significantly after its...
Experts say that the new trimmed profit
margin and the drop in digital currency prices threaten the profitability of
mining operations, especially those...