Fintech Experts Forecast Bitcoin Finishing the Year in the $7,500-$9,000 Range

The world's most valuable digital currency, Bitcoin, has had a rough last 12 months. Not only it collapsed all the way from $19,000 (that...

Miners and Crypto Exchanges in Venezuela Must Register Under a New...

In the midst of a political crisis that has the country with two people claiming to be presidents, Venezuela remains closely tied with cryptocurrencies...

Kraken Acquires UK-Based Exchange Crypto Facilities in “Nine Figure” Deal

The rich gets richer, according to the old saying. In this case, one of the biggest and most widely known crypto exchanges of the...

Top Bank in Belarus Will Open a Cryptocurrency Exchange House

Belarusbank, the most important bank in Belarus, is expected to open an exchange in the country this year Recently, through the...

A Chinese District Will Use Blockchain to Guarantee Quality of Food...

More and more companies are using the chain of blocks to verify the origin of different products and the life cycle of them

Preliminary Version of Ethereum 2.0 is ready

The platform will have updates until the Serenity phase. The intention is to achieve a higher level of scalability As...