Kripton Market allows users to complete trade through Bitcoin and RSK-based stable coins. This project intends to offer solutions with digital dollars in Venezuela.
The cryptocurrency exchange and market Kripton Market is developing new projects to integrate its payment services with bitcoin and other digital currencies in Venezuela. The project will be active in 100 commercial premises in Caracas.
The implementation of its services in commercial premises in Venezuela is not yet effective. Still, it is working on a project involving retail businesses and the chain of Automercados Plaza supermarkets.
The plan is proceeding in conjunction with the businesses. Kripton Market is available to bring services to solve the informal crescent dollarization that the Venezuelan economy is currently facing and the low circulation of low-denomination banknotes, which obstructs the retail trade country.
The project is also under discussion with other supermarket chains. The plan covers businesses distributed in four urban areas of the city with medium population density. This proposal’s presentation would involve managers’ and employees’ technical training, enabling them to accept stablecoins or digital dollars in their businesses.
Exchange, Market, and Services with RSK Stablecoins
The market and the range of Kripton Market services are already operational and with a growing user base. This platform is one of the first cases of massive commercial use of the RSK network’s tokens, which works on top of Bitcoin as the second layer of this protocol.
The cryptocurrency exchange and market of Kripton Market are functional for sending international remittances, a service from which Venezuelans, who are going through an unprecedented migratory and refugee crisis in the region, and users from other countries, could benefit.
Kripton Market already serves as a provider of these services in Argentina and Uruguay, Colombia, and Venezuela, allowing its users to buy freely cryptocurrencies and turn them into national currencies.
Through the use of BTC and the tokens of the RSK network, Kripton Market allows you to send remittances, make payments, and buy all kinds of products and services.
There is no need to guard the user’s cryptocurrencies. The user controls their funds using the Defiant wallet, an application compatible with the various cryptocurrencies and stable coins on the platform.
Although RSK shows compatibility with other wallets, these wallets would not work when buying or selling cryptocurrencies with Kripton Market.
The process of buying and selling cryptocurrencies can be carried out directly between the Defiant wallet and the Kripton Market brokerage platform without giving up custody. Likewise, the funds can go as cash in a bank account indicated by the user after sending the forum’s payment.
Kripton Market has not yet integrated RSK intelligent contracts to perform some operations or exchanges automatically; however, as it becomes possible, they will aim to deploy them at various levels of their platform.
By: Jenson Nuñez