McAfee had been in prison since October 2020. The businessman’s wife said that John’s physical and mental health had deteriorated to a worrying level.

The computer specialist John McAfee was found dead yesterday, June 23, in the cell in which he had been in prison for 8 months, in Barcelona, Spain.

According to the news provided by the Spanish newspaper El País, prison officials found 

McAfee’s body hanging. Police sources are handling the situation as a suicide, as there are no apparent indications of any criminal harm or behavior. Even so, the autopsy is on its way, so there would be more details revealed soon.

Hours before the discovery, it had been confirmed that the businessman would be extradited to the United States of America to face a proper trial on charges related to his tax returns between 2016 and 2018.

McAfee, the founder of the antivirus company that bears his surname, had been arrested on October 3 last year in Barcelona by order of the US justice. The reason for the arrest was for a millionaire tax evasion that guards a close relationship with profits allegedly coming from activities with cryptocurrencies.

Other charges also weighed against McAfee could have led him to serve sentences of up to 20 years in prison, in case he should have been found guilty.

Harsh Months for McAfee’s Physical and Mental Health

John McAfee’s wife, Janice, released a letter this Sunday, for Father’s Day, in which she mentioned that these eight months that John spent in prison in Spain were especially hard on his health, both physical and mental. Several tweets that the businessman wrote recalled, all in different contexts, the idea of suicide, generally discarding that possibility at all.

He tweeted days after his arrest that he was happy there in jail, he made friends. The food was ok enough, but he let Know through that tweet that if he was found hanging up as Epstein did, it would not be his fault. 

Almost a year earlier, in November, the computer scientist also posted that he had been receiving subtle messages from US officials saying in effect that they were coming after him, and many other arguments about committing suicide. He also got a tattoo, to let him know that If he killed himself, then there must be an investigation because he would not ever kill himself.

The tweet came along with a photograph with that tattoo that reads “$ WHACKD.” WHACKD is the ticker of an erc-20 token made by McAfee whose name is “Epstein Did Not Kill Himself.”

One of his latest tweets, posted a week ago, referred to his holdings of cryptocurrencies. “The United States of America thinks I hid cryptocurrencies,” he wrote. McAfee also said on the matter that he wished he had them, but they had been dissolved through all the hands of Team McAfee and all his remaining assets were currently seized.

The last message written by McAfee on the network, on June 18, says: “In a democracy, power is not given. But it still can be powerful. Love, compassion, and affection are useless. But it is fuel for greed, hostility… All power corrupts. Beware of the powers that democracy allows to exercise.”



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