The adoption of NFT in Venezuela would surpass 24% in the medium term. People aged 25 to 34 are the most likely to purchase or own an NFT in Venezuela.

The adoption of non-fungible tokens (NFT) in Venezuela is increasing. It is currently among the top 10 countries that most acquire this type of collectible digital art. The trend is upward, and it is likely that, in the not too distant future, that South American country could become one of the nations with holders of these assets.

This information got revealed in the report by the firm, which highlights that, currently, 10.6% of 1,003 Venezuelans surveyed have an NFT. It is a figure that is slightly below the world average, which gets established at 11.7%.

According to the sample consulted by the firm in September this year and according to Finder, more than 106 Venezuelans have at least one NFT. The Caribbean country currently has the ninth position on the list of countries with the highest adoption of NFT, according to

Finder, which surveyed at least 28,000 internet users or more, highlighted that 13.5% (135) of Caribbean people have in mind to own an NFT in the future, which would expand the adoption rate to 24.1%.

More Women than Men Adopt NFT

A curious fact that Finder highlights is that, contrary to the global estimate, in Venezuela, more women have or plan to purchase an NFT. According to finder, Venezuelan women are approximately 11.4% more likely to receive a collectible token. Men, in contrast, represent only 9.8%.

Men are typically 2.7 percentage points more likely to possess an NFT than women, which means that Venezuela contradicts the trend. Women are near 1.6 percentage points more likely to own at least one NFT, says Finder.

Another interesting data that they throw in Finder is that people from 25 to 34 years old are the most likely to buy or own an NFT in Venezuela, with 13.4%. In addition to adults over 65 years old, who are the second most vulnerable to NFT adoption. According to the firm, 13.3% of these adults desire to purchase a digital collectible.

A conservative Prognosis

According to the agency’s cryptocurrency editor, Keegan Francis, this trend represents a conservative forecast for NFT adoption in Venezuela.

According to Francis, approximately a third of all Venezuelans are aware of NFTs, which is why they estimate that adoption is growing.

Francis, who commented on the study, stated that the adoption of NFT is higher in countries where workers have low average wages, such as Venezuela, where the legal salary is equivalent to almost USD 2 per month, according to official data.

According to another report, there is the case of a Venezuelan called Alfonso Morales, who is an accountant that, through the NFTs, saved his life after having suffered a chronic illness whose expenses cost him a lot to cover.

By: Jenson Nuñez


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