This week the Ukrainian government struggled with the attack of cybercriminals. A group of Hackers could have spied on and then erased the stolen information.

A war occurs on every corner of Kyiv and elsewhere in Ukraine, but a silent war is also raging on Ukrainian ground: cyber warfare. Last Wednesday, cyberattacks got spotted on Ukrainian government institutions, media outlets, and websites. Russia has also experiencing cyberattacks since the invasion of Ukraine started.

Hackers who attacked Ukraine deleted the Ministry of Internal Affairs of that nation’s stolen information by using malicious programs. It is unclear if these attacks come from Russian areas or if the Russian government is currently leading them. However, the probability is high, given the nature of this problem between those two nations.

According to Bloomberg, using three sources and remaining anonymous, much data belonging to the Interior got eliminated from the devices. This government entity is responsible for tracking the national police entities and carrying out other duties related to security in the area.

According to one of the sources, the attackers could have applied intelligence strategies, tracking and examining the relevant information concerning Ukraine’s security plans, and then erased the entire information pack.

Likewise, the three sources explained that weeks ago, before Russia attacked Ukraine; the attackers would have been vanishing vital data from the Ukrainian telecommunications platforms and activating malware to damage the infrastructure.

The extent of the damage is unclear, but more operations to investigate the crime are already on the way; the government has not revealed further information on the matter.

On the other hand, the operators of the Conti ransomware released a statement presenting their supportive stance on behalf of the Russian government, which could become a threat to Ukraine and any actor encouraging the situation against Russia.

Ukraine Gets Ready for Defense against Russian Cyber-Offensive

However, Ukraine is not alone, and the reaction from allied hackers has been prompt and constant. , According to Reuters, last Thursday, a hacker secretly operating for the Ukrainian administration highlighted that requires more volunteers to develop a cyber shield and protect their communications and IT infrastructure.

The hacker that revealed these intentions is Yegor Aushev, who currently leads a cybersecurity entity. He expressed that the Ukrainian Defense Ministry hired him as a recruiter of experts to release a cyber-defensive campaign against Russia.

Also, this week the famous group, Anonymous revealed that there would be a technological war on Russia, but reports show zero attacks from this group.

By: Jenson Nuñez


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