The update will be available for IDEs like Qt Creators and VIM. The service is not yet available for VS Code.

The new version of Ethereum and its new native programming language, Solidity, has come. This time it brings with it little improvements at the language level. However, it includes a new feature that will allow programming from any development environment (IDE).

The new version got revealed on December 20 through the official Solidity blog, where the list of changes and fixed bugs that this new version of the Ethereum programming language will have is exposed.

The main change intends to add Solidity to different IDEs, such as Qt Creator or VIM. The integration makes developer tools such as compilers, documentation and even autocompletes easier to manage when programming in the IDE on Solidity. Those users interested are now able to enter the official blog to know the particular installation according to the IDE.

As the release note explains, Microsoft VS Code, one of the most used IDEs nowadays, does not have LSP support for Solidity syntax autocompletion. This IDE is still waiting for these features to get added shortly.

Likewise, those who desire to use this new tool known as the Language Server Protocol must download the native binaries of the language from the official GitHub. For those applying the Solidity instance via JavaScript NPM, LSP is still unavailable.

Language Level Improvements

In addition to improvements at the level of compatibility with programming environments, the Solidity developers have also created a simple modification that aims at optimizing the use of the compiler named abi.encodeCall. This modification allows a faster verification of the data, in clear contrast with the one used previously, abi.encodeWithSelector.

Since the environment considers this situation a minor improvement, only an optimization got discussed in the compiler. When Ethereum starts working on a virtual machine distributed throughout the blockchain, known as EVM (Ethereum virtual machine), that a code presents flaws in its optimizations, and it can mean operating costs that translate into increases in commissions.

Ethereum made its appearance in summer 2015 with the sole intention of expanding the use cases of blockchain and cryptocurrency to encircle all manner of decentralized applications beyond Bitcoin’s initial scope. These procedures went from permissionless financial services and crowdfunding to new organizational archetypes.

Ethereum was in principle a global computer that would allow developers to execute apps with the support of smart contracts and programmable scripts that could make the flow of digital assets way easier.

Ethereum’s native cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH), not only brings an incentive archetype and structure in parallel with Bitcoin (BTC) when it comes to maintaining and securing the network, it also gets applied as gas to execute transactions through smart contracts. This primary feature also serves as a security procedure to protect the network from inefficient code and attacks by malicious entities.

By: Jenson Nuñez


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