The Foundation managed to establish a three-year budget for the project. Vitalik Buterin has been favorable in linking Dogecoin with Ethereum.

2021 appears to be a magical year that would cause the rise of the meme-based cryptocurrency, dogecoin (DOGE) with the revival of the Dogecoin Foundation.

Through a statement published on its website, the Foundation revealed the start of this organization aiming at innovative focus on supporting the ecosystem, the community, and promoting the future of the Dogecoin blockchain.

The primary goal of the Foundation is to quicken the development of the cryptocurrency with support from developers who will work full time. As well as with sponsors and new contributors who can make their contribution to the project.

The team also explained that they hope to create way more expansion in the Dogecoin ecosystem. They also reported that, in the coming weeks, they would reveal a series of new projects that will complement the current Core Wallet to permit faster integration and easier APIs for financial, social, and even charitable projects for those who wish to use Dogecoin.

The group also paves the way for the adoption and global use of cryptocurrencies. The group intends to focus on projects that would increase the acceptance of Dogecoin.

The Dogecoin Foundation is a non-profit organization created in 2014 to bring support to the cryptocurrency through development and promotion and uphold the Dogecoin trademark to prevent abuses and fraudulent behaviors.

The Dogecoin Foundation and the Project

The Dogecoin Foundation lost relevance when Jackson Palmer, the creator of Dogecoin chose to retire from the development team back in 2015. He alleged on the matter that the community was toxic. The retirement might have caused the currency to lag in terms of technical updates compared to other cryptocurrencies on the market like Bitcoin.

At the time, Billy Markus, the additional leader behind the project, also took distance from the project. This action left the cryptocurrency on some hiatus.

Six years later, the Foundation faced a reactivation by hiring a brand new staff of directors, with Gary Lachance, Jens Wiechers, Michi Lumin, Ross Nicoll, and Timothy Stebbing. Markus plays the role of Community and Meme Advisor and Max Keller as Dogecoin Core Developer and Technical Advisor.

Advisors for the Dogecoin Foundation

One of the announcements that garnered the most attention is the addition of Ethereum co-creator Vitalik Buterin. Buterin highlighted in a podcast in June that, if dogecoin somehow desires to link with Ethereum and this allows people to trade dogecoin thousands of times.

Another personality who now takes part in the advisers is Jared Birchall, who also serves as legal and financial advisor to billionaire Elon Musk. Musk has been serving as a collaborator for the initiative since 2019, according to a developer of the project.

By: Jenson Nuñez


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