Authorized firm Ontier is currently representing Craig Wright in a lawsuit against Bitcoin developers. A community of users and developers is responding to the demand introduced by Wright.

The self-proclaimed inventor of Bitcoin, Craig Wright, is again a subject of controversy by filing a new legal instrument against BTC. In a press release, the legal firm Ontier LLP has announced that it will represent Wright on his journey to sue the developers of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Dollars, Bitcoin Income ABC, and Bitcoin SV.

Enter represents the Tulip Investing Limited company in which Craig Wright has a tenth majority. In the statement Wright claimed he was the inventor of Bitcoin with “a vision” embodied in the Whitepaper of the cryptocurrency with the like Satoshi Nakamoto, here is a fragment of what he said on this matter:

“The argument will examine, for the first time, the nature and severity of the legal duties conferred and owed by developers as a result of the handle they exert on their respective blockchain.”

The statement claims that Wright was a victim of a hack that ended up in the theft of “substantial amounts” of Bitcoin that belonged to the Tulip Investing company. He also added:

“These assets were and still are, owned by TTL. The crime is under investigation by the cybercrime division of the South East England Regional Organized Crime Authority.”

Wright’s company asks developers to allow Bitcoin to “regain attack and control.” The company argues that the developers have enough “power” over “their blockchains” to return the alleged stolen funds. Overall, the lawsuit claims that Wright suffered a theft of £ 3.5 trillion. The statement concludes:

As the victim of a theft of some magnitude, Tulip Investing is trying to recover from the attack and control the alleged digital assets from those who are in a position to remedy its loss. The fact that someone has stolen Tulip Buying and selling Bitcoin private keys does not prevent developers from deploying a code that allows the valid owner to recover his bitcoin’s management.

Bitcoin Developer Response

The Bitcoin developers are calling this new lawsuit a “perfectly planned and “severe attack. Some of them even added that Wright is issuing Bitcoin SV because he “knows” that they will comply with his demands.

Wright also filed a lawsuit to claim copyright to the Bitcoin Whitepaper. This situation forced the website to erase the document from its website. Without seizure, the argument created a supportive movement that prompted individuals, international corporations, and countries to show the Whitepaper on many websites.

Attorney Stephen Palley wished Wright’s authorized representation “luck in getting termination on them” and called the lawsuit a way to shout attention. Counsel also said that in the United States, there are penalties for arguments like these.

Strangely developer Ricardo “Flufflypony,” Spagni said that Wright’s attorneys “confirmed” that Wright is the Mt. Gox exchange hacker. The lawsuit claims that the Tulip Company possesses the address on 1Feex, which has 80,000 stolen BTC. Spagni also said that those affected by the incident might seek retribution from Wright.

By: Jenson Nuñez


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