Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Huobi is one of the most widely known cryptocurrency exchanges in the planet, offering a wide array of services and making them available in several locations. It also has a research and education branch dubbed Huobi University, in charge of...
Ethereum (ETH) ERC-20 tokens are arguably the most popular, numerous, and widespread tokens in the cryptocurrency space. However, enjoying them would not be possible without a proper ecosystem or infrastructure: in other words, they would not exist if it were...
Wright asked the court to extend the period to appeal a verdict in the case against Ira Kleiman. He said that he was not able to properly prepare his allegations to challenge the judge's decision.
The member of the Executive Committee of the European Central Bank (ECB) Yves Mersch said that Facebook's cryptocurrency Libra could jeopardize financial stability. During the Legal Conference of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), which was...
Renato Rodríguez, CEO of Airbit Club, took part in the Mexican Senate to talk about cryptocurrencies. For its part, Colombia recognized Craig Wright as Satoshi Nakamoto. Mexican politicians show evidence of being wrong about exponents of...
The private key can be divided into several files. The new security system is based on the algorithm of Adi Shamir, famous Israeli cryptographer. In the history of Bitcoin, there have been cases of wallets with...
Cryptocurrency trading is slowly creeping its way towards emerging economies, and Africa is not the exception. The continent has shown time and time again that it has numerous investors and traders that have been getting interest in entering the industry....
The lack of supply of DAIs in exchange houses, the high cost of generating some DAI, and the increase of stored DAI multiply stablecoin prices. Traditional currencies such as the dollar are used not only to...
For 2019, it is estimated that expenditure in the continent will exceed US $800 million. Identity management is one of the cases of blockchain use with the greatest boom in Europe. The International Data Corporation (IDC),...
If a given company has aspirations of success and growth, a forward-thinking approach needs to be in place, and openness towards new technologies is a requirement as well. The blockchain technology needs to be in the agenda.