Saturday, September 21, 2024
The objective of the financial company is to speed up the payment transactions and to address the main challenges of data sharing between banks. Multinational investment bank JP Morgan will launch its blockchain-based payment system in...
The main idea is to develop a video game to teach people all about these digital assets. Cryptocurrencies work through a technology that more and more people are interested in learning. The current idea is...
SAMA explained that it already uses blockchain channels to make fund transfers. The Central Bank of Saudi Arabia informed that it would be using blockchain technology to conduct funds transfers to banks in the country. This...
The announcement was made during a summit on climate change in Madrid. The platform will be available in mid-2020. It was reported that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is working on the development of a...
The bank joined, a solution for executing and financing transactions. The service is already active and is aimed at business customers in Europe. It was reported that the Spanish bank CaixaBank has added a Hyperledger...
A new study from SmartSearch reveals that dirty money is entering the crypto industry at an alarming rate. 28% of crypto companies have reported an increase in Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) in the last six months....
Bitcoin transaction fees reached record highs. Since 2009, 204,808.3479 BTC have been distributed among miners, for transaction fees. On October 30th, 2019, the Bitcoin blockchain reached a record high of USD 1 billion accumulated in transaction fees.
The cryptocurrency and NFT market plummeted 30% in April. Binance leads with a trading volume of $699.25 billion. Bitcoin Puppets and WZRDs defy market crash. In April, the crypto and non-fungible token (NFT)...
Their fight is mainly due to avoiding legal sanctions imposed by the Chinese government. Alipay, one of the most used payment platforms in China, has declared itself against free sale transactions, specifying the cases of...
Vitalik Buterin transferred 500 ETH from his vitalik.eth wallet address to Coinbase Custody. What is the purpose of that movement? Here the answer. Messari data reveals that Coinbase Custody is currently the largest...