Friday, May 10, 2024
US financial regulators work on mechanisms to make the market more "transparent" by identifying wallet owners The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a statement on January 31st, in which it explains it is looking for...
Thanks to this technology, the transaction was conducted instantaneously and without other intermediaries Two farmers from Ontario, in Canada, made the first sale of corn through blockchain technology, according to what local media reported in late January.
More and more companies are using the chain of blocks to verify the origin of different products and the life cycle of them In the Yuzhong district of the Chongqing municipality, in the center of the People's...
The platform will have updates until the Serenity phase. The intention is to achieve a higher level of scalability As it was announced a few weeks ago, Ethereum's developers announced this January 31st the release of the...
The banking sector of that country seeks to increase the number of financing credits for the benefit of small and medium-sized industries A considerable group of financial entities in India has agreed to establish an alliance in...
This special technology obtained 156 points in its evaluation, which positions it as the best blockchain protocol, according to the Chinese government On January 24th, the ranking published monthly by the Chinese government about the best...
Regulating cryptocurrencies and everything related to them has long been one of the most difficult challenges that governments and “watchdogs” have had over the last couple of years. And, not coincidentally, it is one of the critical developments to foster...
Hackers do not usually take too long to adjust and regain the “pole position” when it comes to being prepared to bypass the newest security barriers presented by entities, pages, services, or organizations online. They are talented individuals or groups...
The blockchain technology serves as the platform in which a cryptocurrency is built over. The latter asset, in turn, can represent an investment opportunity or have a specific use in a particular ecosystem, which is why it has worldwide acceptance...
The blockchain technology has proved time and time again that it has the potential of providing solutions to a wide array of fields, industries, and situations; even those that we do not even imagine. Experts have said in recent times...