Saturday, July 27, 2024
Companies working in the energy industry keep experimenting with innovative solutions in an effort to diversify resources and achieve efficiency and process optimization and streamlining. The best and most effective approach to accomplish those goals remains the blockchain technology.
The multinational’s objective is to innovate in the area of ​​blockchain technology by looking to hire young professionals Due to the great increase in the use of blockchain technology in different business areas, the renowned...
These important multinational companies will use this technology for proof of concept The blockchain technology reaches more and more spaces. This time, seven global oil and gas companies, including US industry giants like ExxonMobil and Chevron, decided...
Over the last few months, prominent companies that perform their activities in the energy supply department have successfully experimented with blockchain. It is, in fact, one of the fields with the highest improvement potential thanks to the technology that is, slowly...
To conduct out this Forum, the Intellectual Property Office worked together with the BlockChain Observatory of the European Union, in order to create alliances which promote the interests of both departments As a method to...
The new system will avoid producing more than 50 tons of CO2 and will be used to transport fuel, using blockchain technology Performing the sale and dispatch of biofuel through blockchain technology is now a...
Thanks to this technology, the transaction was conducted instantaneously and without other intermediaries Two farmers from Ontario, in Canada, made the first sale of corn through blockchain technology, according to what local media reported in late January.
More and more companies are using the chain of blocks to verify the origin of different products and the life cycle of them In the Yuzhong district of the Chongqing municipality, in the center of the People's...
Thanks to the Entrepreneurs Fund of the Repsol Foundation, the alliance between the oil company and the Finboot company materialized The Spanish multinational company Repsol announced on January 13, through an official report, its plans to use...
The new system will allow people from all over the world to send any type of information through Bitcoin and pay it in the Lightning Network test Programming transmissions of data and messages through satellite is...