Tuesday, May 7, 2024
The HOOXI social network, created by the W-Foundation, will be one of the main projects that will help reduce carbon emissions For some years, The United Nations (UN) has made great efforts in ecological matters with...
Thanks to the Entrepreneurs Fund of the Repsol Foundation, the alliance between the oil company and the Finboot company materialized The Spanish multinational company Repsol announced on January 13, through an official report, its plans to use...
With increasingly accelerated global warming, companies, governments and society need to rethink solutions for the use of energy matrices. Arthur Inc. and Genial Investimentos published a study on energy monetization, reuse of surpluses...
Bitcoin (BTC) mining can transform the energy industry, contributing to a more efficient and environmentally friendly economy. Although Bitcoin (BTC) is known for its high energy consumption, it could well become a key...
The blockchain application that will be used is part of a big project that seeks to turn the city of Graz into one of the cities with sustainable energy and free of carbon emissions A...
SEAL is the first public company in Peru to adapt its services and operations to a blockchain network One of the main electricity companies in Peru plans to use blockchain technology to improve its security procedures and...
Deforestation is one of the world’s most critical problems, as forests are our planet’slungs: they provide us, quite literally, with a “breath of fresh air.” The rateat which human beings are tearing them down is alarming. Actions...
The PEFC and the Xunta de Galicia, in Spain, seek to advance sustainability and forest certification through the use of blockchain technology. In this way, work is being done to promote forest traceability using the guarantee...
The user will receive a specific token. Using this tool, he can obtain repairs of the water purifier or purchase another product from the company The massive telecommunications company China Mobile Communications Corporation announced, this week,...
The Polygon network saw a record increase in daily transactions, going from 2.89 million to 6.1 million in just 24 hours. Gas fees on Polygon skyrocketed, with transaction costs rising to over 7,000 Gwei before settling...