Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Storing satellite data for safer mining projects is one of the main objectives of this new project. Blockchain technology even reaches Outer Space. It did not arise only as the technology to conduct transactions with...
Felipe Capozzolo, from Consecomercio, indicated that Petro does not meet the conditions to be considered a crypto asset. The business union leader believes that the free convertibility of PTR would allow its acceptance in stores. The...
The network will work with a new participation test algorithm (PoS) called Ouroboros BFT. The upgrade will improve the network’s scalability and capacity for consensus, according to its representative in Spain. After having waited over...
This bank has a platform that allows users to tokenize assets, including currencies, although the sale and purchase of cryptocurrencies could be considered suspicious activity. The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) has formally proposed...
Binance promises to continue expanding its portfolio options for its clients in the future. Since February 14th, the world's most popular cryptocurrency exchange house, Binance, has added 15 new options for the purchase of cryptocurrencies using...
The token will facilitate trade within the ecosystem, possibly even buying outside of Colombia. A blockchain ecosystem that works in the city of Medellin, in Colombia, will use a new token for online purchases. The...
The users of the IOTA Foundation must download the wallet and change the password to secure their tokens. The Foundation will take the necessary measures to ensure the return of the stolen funds to those affected. The...
Cryptocurrency experts like Tone Vays talk about what will happen with Bitcoin’s price in the short, medium and long term. Market analyst Filbfilb recently joined Bitcoin trader Tone Vays on his YouTube channel. During the...
The Federation of Colleges of Public Accountants of Venezuela approved the application bulletin VEN-NIF No. 12 V. 0. The accepted accounting principle covers the "holding of own crypto assets". It was reported that the Federation...
The spread of the coronavirus in China is leading to unsuspected consequences. The Chinese government has even put bank notes in quarantine. The entire world knows the delicate situation that China is currently undergoing due to...