Saturday, May 4, 2024
Libra's regulation seems distant, but its release seems even farther. Concerns about privacy and money laundering increase for the US government. When Facebook announced its intention to launch Libra in June 2019, it decided to...
     Bank of America registered a patent in which it proposes a way to control access to certain aspects of a blockchain-allowed network, according to recently published documents. Specifically, the patent is on a system to manage security and...
It is the first of the four forks that has been executed within Grin’s first two years of life. The update did not lead to a split of the network into two chains. The Grin...
In today’s competitive world, cryptocurrencies pose an advantage for any company. Bank of America knows it very well, which is why it would be working with Ripple. With the passing of time, Bitcoin and other...
Before a valley is formed, the volume drops to a value lower than the daily average. Although the analysts were correct about the beginning of the valley, the minimum point was advanced several months After...
Cryptocurrency trading opens doors to potential financial independence. It is essential to assess the risks and analyze the best opportunities for investment. Cryptocurrency trading is a risky profession, but it can also be very rewarding economically...
The major mining equipment manufacturers are beginning to resume their usual activities. The entire mining industry is preparing for the next Bitcoin halving. As a consequence of the outbreak of the coronavirus, the upstream and downstream...
The participants must use a combination of algorithms and mathematics to decipher the key. The firm Phemex promises a bonus for all the people on the re-tweet chain that guide the winner. It was announced...
There have been several changes in decisions around ProgPoW in the past 2 years. The new mining algorithm emerged in response to the advantages of ASICs. After Ethereum developers dismissed the inclusion of Programmatic Proof of...
At last, and after months of speculation about every little detail, Facebook has unveiled the Libra cryptocurrency for the world to see. The project's whitepaper was revealed on Tuesday, June 18,  with one notable takeaway: the user does not need to...