Serpro will offer the blockchain solution for the digital identity card in Brazil, to which different cities will be added in October. Rio de Janeiro, Paraná and Goiás will be the first to implement the digital ID backed with blockchain technology. Days ago, ZkSync announced that in alliance with Quark ID they will issue the digital identity for the inhabitants of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
One of the main pillars of Web3 is the protection of its users’ data; since they will have to offer sovereignty over the custody of themselves. For Almudena de la Mata, PhD in Law from the Max-Planck-Institut of the University of Hamburg and founder of Blockchain Intelligence, in her column Metaverses: Blockchain and legal security, she delves into this.
“The secure identification of the participants is essential to generate trust and reduce the risks of these virtual relationships, and thus expand the possibilities of action in the metaverses.”
The Brazilian government announced that starting November 6, all government offices will integrate blockchain technology in the issuance of Brazilian identity documents. The solution was developed by Serpro, who adapted it so that it can be used by all Civil Identification Organizations (OIC).
The Brazilian government explained that this is the new version of the Shared Federal Income Registry, which will cover the issuance of the National Identity Document. The data backed up in blockchain will be under the protection of the Federal Revenue Agency of Brazil.
Brazil Promises Data Privacy in Digital Identity with Blockchain
The Brazilian government emphasized that blockchain technology in identification documents will begin to be implemented from the first week of October in cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Paraná and Goiás, and more entities will join before November.
Under decree No. 10,977, the Brazilian government set November 6 as the deadline for all organizations to integrate blockchain into their identity cards. Although citizen data will be secure and highly transparent, the truth is that all government agencies will have access to citizens’ tax or fine data.
The Brazilian government promises that the identity card will function as a fraud-proof QR code. In this regard, the president of Serpro, Alexandre Amorim, elaborated:
“Blockchain technology plays a fundamental role in protecting personal data and preventing fraud, providing a safer digital experience to Brazilian citizens. The use of the b-Cadastros blockchain platform is a great differentiator for the security and reliability of the National Identity Document project.”
The digital version of the Brazilian identity document will function as a national registration number, that is, no matter which state issues the document, the citizen will maintain that same number. Brazil is not the only country to adopt blockchain technology in the identity card, as Buenos Aires, Argentina recently did so.
Latin America Adds Blockchain to its ID Cards, such as Brazil and Argentina
Days ago, Ethereum’s Layer 2 protocol, ZkSync, announced that in alliance with Quark ID they will issue digital identity services. They will do it for the millions of inhabitants of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Starting in October, citizens will be able to download their “QuarkID” wallet (identity) for procedures such as birth and marriage certificates.
The launch of the blockchain-based digital identification program was reported. It occurs in the context in which crypto projects such as Worldcoin seek to recover biometric data. He intends to do it without government help for cryptocurrencies like WLD.
With “QuarkID”, Buenos Aires reaffirms one of the principles of blockchain: data transparency. It will include personal documents, such as health data, and could even integrate tax and government payments.
By Audy Castaneda