The bitcoiner considers that BTC provides individual security against the States. He believes that the firms Taproot and Schnorr will transform the usability of Bitcoin.

Max Hillebrand believes that this world demands individual freedoms, the right to privacy, and anarchy. The Wasabi Wallet contributor believes that fiat money is causing increasing “devastation” to societies.

According to the programmer, individuals worldwide can defend themselves against such a situation by using Bitcoin. This cryptocurrency is a tool that offers solutions against phenomena such as hyperinflation and wrong monetary policies, among other things.

Hillebrand recently highlighted that money printing is contributing to the destruction of wealth and value. He admitted that he felt that fiat money was causing “horror and pain” to him.

For Hillebrand, states cannot interfere with the Bitcoin consensus. Besides, he believes that it emerged for people to defend themselves both in cyberspace and in real life.

“Bitcoin is the weapon that individuals are using in this currency war against the empire of fiat money. This is resistance and we are under strong attack,” the enthusiast highlighted.

Concerning the development of Bitcoin and its expansion around the world, Hillebrand noted that its scalability and usability go through tools such as Taproot and Schnorr signatures.

Privacy, Bitcoin and the States

The developer raises the flag of privacy to the top. He highlighted the increase in the use of obfuscation or mixing techniques such as CoinJoin and other ways of protecting users.

Hillebrand recalled that, initially, there was a CoinJoin per week on Wasabi since “no one was there”. However, the situation has changed, and now users trade thousands of bitcoins in this way. In the case of the privacy-oriented wallet, it would now be 1 CoinJoin per hour.

The enthusiast spoke about the investigations that blockchain intelligence companies conduct. He said that it is an “interesting conflict” between services that provide privacy and government agencies. He added that “it is something similar to virtual private networks (VPNs) or anonymous servers.”

Hillebrand considers that the subject of “digital totality”, relevant in recent months, has served for world governments to send their propaganda messages. He says that they “spread messages of fear, hatred, and divisiveness, with a high rate of effectiveness in obeying tyrannical laws, but individuals must protect themselves.”

The developer advised on the types of tools that people can use to improve their privacy. He recommended using the Signal messaging service and CoinJoin derivative services for cryptocurrency mixes. Likewise, he said that using Bitcoin would allow them not to share information with international payment processors.

According to Hillebrand, the issue of scarcity, digital resources, and natural resources is also of great relevance. He believes that there is a potential conflict about “who can control scarce sources.”

To conclude, the developer said that the individual is free to decide how to manage their resources. He mentioned time as one of the main ones since it is scarce by nature. Regarding a person’s real empowering of their funds, he left the door open for Bitcoin and data privacy.

By Alexander Salazar


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