The AVAX price bullish prediction for 2023 is $16.42 to $30.72, while the bearish prediction is $11.57.

In the Avalanche (AVAX) Price Prediction for 2023, statistics, price patterns, RSI, RVOL, and other information about AVAX were used to analyze the future movement of the cryptocurrency.

As of the Avalanche (AVAX) current market status, CoinGegko’s data shows the current price at $11.32, the 24-hour trading volume at $108,577,396, the 24-hour price change at 2.4% less, the circulating supply at 311,582,142, and its highest point at $144.96 (on November 21, 2021).

Avalanche (AVAX) Price Prediction 2023

Avalanche (AVAX) is ranked 20th on CoinGecko right now. Currently, Avalanche (AVAX) is in the range of $11.63. If the pattern continues, the AVAX price could reach the resistance levels of $14.61, $20.59, and $30.14. If the trend reverses, then the price of AVAX may drop to $11.41.

Avalanche (AVAX) Support and Resistance Levels

Statistical data show that Avalanche (AVAX) has been on an uptrend for the past month. If this trend continues, AVAX could follow the bulls by breaking above its resistance level at $28.96.

Consequently, if investors turn against cryptocurrencies, the price of Avalanche (AVAX) could plummet to almost $11.57, a bearish sign.

Avalanche Price Prediction (AVAX) 2023: RVOL, MA, and RSI

The relative volume (RVOL) of Avalanche (AVAX) is an indicator of how the current trading volume has changed over a period of time from the previous trading volume. Currently, AVAX’s RVOL is below the cutoff, indicating weak participation in the current trend.

Moreover, the price of Avalanche (AVAX) is below 50 MA (short term), so it has a bearish trend. Currently, AVAX has entered a bearish state. Therefore, there is the possibility of an AVAX reverse trend at any time.

Meanwhile, the relative strength index (RSI) of the AVAX is 37.37. This means that Avalanche (AVAX) is almost in an oversold state. However, this means that a major AVAX price reversal may occur in the coming days. Therefore, traders must exert caution.

Avalanche (AVAX) Price Prediction 2023 – ADX, RVI

Investors need to consider the Avalanche Average Directional Index (ADX), an indicator that helps gauge the overall strength of the trend. This system tries to measure the strength of the price movement in the positive and negative directions using DMI indicators with ADX.

Currently, the AVAX ADX is in the 28.55 range and therefore indicates a strong and weak trend.

In addition, the Avalanche Relative Volatility Index (RVI) is taken into account, which measures the constant deviation of price changes over a period of time. AVAX’s RVI is above 50, indicating high volatility, thus confirming a potential buy signal.

In conclusion, with continued improvements to the Avalanche network, 2023 will be a good year for AVAX. For this reason, the bullish price prediction for Avalanche in 2023 is $30.72.

AVAX’s performance is expected to help break its current all-time high (ATH) of $144.96 very soon. However, it could also go as high as $45, if investors believe that AVAX is a good investment in 2023.

By Audy Castaneda


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