Lovers of art or beginners in technology could take the course. Preserving the cultural heritage and the authenticity of the artworks is only one of the benefits of blockchain technology.

Innovations in the art world do not cease and less now, thanks to blockchain technology. For instance, one of the benefits is organizing information, so that citizens can access art, hide prizes valued in cryptocurrencies in murals; the ideas are diverse.

This is the reason why the Argentine Institute ICAE will offer in September a series of courses based on the application of this technology to the art sector. These workshops will present the different benefits of using blockchain technology in the art field.

One of the current problems in the art world is the falsification of pieces. This is an aspect that blockchain manages to solve in other fields, such as food traceability since it allows a complete and unalterable record of the most important data of an object, product or service.

Preserving the cultural heritage and the authenticity of the pieces of art is only one of the benefits that blockchain technology would offer. Transparency, immutability, and decentralization are other characteristics of blockchain, invaluable in an industry full of counterfeits.

Art Expertise

The courses will be taught in the cities of Córdoba, Rosario and, Buenos Aires. There, people interested will learn topics such as possible uses, applications and potential elements of blockchain technology for the art world.

One of the points of special attention on the courses is the expertise of art, as well as aspects such as evaluation, registration, identification, and authentication of the art piece.

Anouk Lancestremere, CEO of Giova and who is also in charge of the Art and Blockchain workshop at ICAE, recently talked about the details of the project. “Our goal is to be at the forefront of technology, which is why we have been in this for two years. Blockchain technology is one of the pillars of our training”, he said.

Giova is an interdisciplinary group specialized in the evaluation and preservation of works of art. The company has a presence in Brazil and Argentina. It is dedicated to the democratization of the expertise of artistic pieces.

For all Audiences

The courses are aimed at the general public. Lovers of art, technology or beginners in this area are able to participate in the courses since they make a review of the basic concepts related to blockchain.

Information about different applications and uses of disruptive technology, identification and registration of artworks in blockchain platforms is also provided.

“Our intention is to bring the public to the expertise and specific authentication in technology. It is our fundamental pillar”.

The course “The New Ecosystem of Blockchain Art” will be presented in Córdoba on September 9th, in Rosario on September 16th, and in Buenos Aires on September 23rd.

According to Lancestremere, the link with technologies is presented from moment one. Blockchain would allow the analysis of pigments to validate the authentication of each art piece.

In addition, it would allow cataloging and labeling of artworks, as well as their assessment. The Argentine blockchain platform Signatura is used for this.

Smart tags are also used to link the works in physical with their digital certificate registered in blockchain.

The objective for the coming months is to conduct these courses in Uruguay, Chile, and other countries to achieve an expansion of knowledge in the area and begin to clear historical concerns about the art forgery, in addition to contributing, in this way, with the preservation of Latin American cultural heritage.

By María Rodríguez


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