United Kingdom Prepares to Freeze Cryptocurrencies Linked to Illegal Activities, and...

In an effort to effectively fight cryptocurrency-related crimes, the UK government has announced drastic measures that will come into effect from...

Indonesia Crypto Evolution: Government Envisions Changes in Tax Landscape

The Indonesian government appears committed to fostering responsible growth in the bitcoin sector while maintaining financial stability and protecting the integrity...

Bitcoin Halving a Month and a Half Away: Questions Increase

What will really happen to Bitcoin and the entire crypto market as a result of the halving? The...

Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP Price Prediction: Are Major Coins Setting Up...

Below is the price analysis of major currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple to see if they will rise this...

Bitcoin, Shield against Money Printing

In a recent interview with CNBC, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. extolled the merits of Bitcoin, a decentralized currency sheltered from the...

US Government Moves $1 Billion Worth of Bitcoin Wallets, and other...

Below is a summary of the key events and developments related to Bitcoin in the last week. As...