Sunday, May 19, 2024
Thanks to this technology, the transaction was conducted instantaneously and without other intermediaries Two farmers from Ontario, in Canada, made the first sale of corn through blockchain technology, according to what local media reported in late January.
The world's most valuable digital currency, Bitcoin, has had a rough last 12 months. Not only it collapsed all the way from $19,000 (that was its worth in early January 2018) to less than $4,000 in November, a span of...
In the midst of a political crisis that has the country with two people claiming to be presidents, Venezuela remains closely tied with cryptocurrencies and the regulation of all related activities, including mining. In fact, the South American...
The rich gets richer, according to the old saying. In this case, one of the biggest and most widely known crypto exchanges of the world, Kraken, keeps broadening its reach and investing in crypto-related companies to ensure a strong presence...
Belarusbank, the most important bank in Belarus, is expected to open an exchange in the country this year Recently, through the Belarusian local press, it was announced that Belarusbank is considering creating a house of exchange that will...
More and more companies are using the chain of blocks to verify the origin of different products and the life cycle of them In the Yuzhong district of the Chongqing municipality, in the center of the People's...
The platform will have updates until the Serenity phase. The intention is to achieve a higher level of scalability As it was announced a few weeks ago, Ethereum's developers announced this January 31st the release of the...
The banking sector of that country seeks to increase the number of financing credits for the benefit of small and medium-sized industries A considerable group of financial entities in India has agreed to establish an alliance in...
These measures are important efforts to prevent illegal traffic of assets, money laundering, hacking and other crimes related to the crypto market and the exchange of cryptocurrencies In a recent publication, it was reported that several of...
Amazon, one of the world's most successful companies and a very interested one in obtaining blockchain-related patents, remains a top candidate to issue its own cryptocurrency in the not so distant future, at least according to Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao.