Saturday, May 18, 2024
People's Daily Online, the biggest and most prominent newspaper group of China, announced today that it signed a contract with Xunlei Limited to work together and launch a blockchain laboratory. The piece of news was spread via a press...
Brazilian institutions will make efforts to promote a regulatory framework that benefits users and all the industry Recently, in some press media from Brazil, it was known that some government authorities are working in order...
The bills are directed to the financial regulators of that country. The idea is to propose new payment structures to replace the state system of money transmission US congressmen Darren Soto and Ted Budd informed...
Although cryptocurrency mining has taken a considerable hit due to the market crash that has carried over since 2018, it is still a very common activity these days, performed by millions of people around the world that are continually looking...
The user will receive a specific token. Using this tool, he can obtain repairs of the water purifier or purchase another product from the company The massive telecommunications company China Mobile Communications Corporation announced, this week,...
This technology will boost the commercial platform and ensure efficiency and transparency in the administration of official institutions The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, participated in a meeting where he presented the intention of his country...
This exchange house allows users to generate profits with cryptoactives, while still investing in traditional assets. Many cryptocurrencies are accepted as a guarantee, including Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash, Ether and Litecoin Pandora offers to cryptocurrency owners a direct access to foreign...
The platform will have updates until the Serenity phase. The intention is to achieve a higher level of scalability As it was announced a few weeks ago, Ethereum's developers announced this January 31st the release of the...
The proliferation of cryptocurrencies has come with a few caveats. Sure, they represent a safer way to buy and sell assets, thanks to the blockchain support, but that does not mean that some shady people use them for illicit purposes.
The initiative seeks to facilitate payments with cryptoactives and make possible the acquisition, through bitcoins, of high-profile housing in the most expensive neighborhoods of Sao Paulo A Brazilian real estate company specialized in the commercialization of high-end...