Thursday, May 16, 2024
Ethereum becoming a layer-2 for Solana is "probably more likely than you might think," says Anatoly Yakovenko, co-founder of Solana Labs. The CEO and co-founder of the Solana project, Anatoly Yakovenko, commented on...
The access data of ChatGPT users is used more and more frequently. From June 2022 to May 2023, more than 101,000 login credentials for the popular AI-powered chatbot ChatGPT were sold in various...
The new Bitcoin Core 25.0 version, the main software for Bitcoin network nodes, is now available. This includes improvements to P2P network usage, minimum transaction size, and RPC systems. BTC reacted favorably to news...
Media executive Thomas Rabe, who runs Bertelsmann, the company that owns the Penguin Random House publishing house, praises the potential of AI for creative expression. A Harvard lawyer said AI copyright laws will likely develop from...
Experts address whether AI tools can predict the prices of investment instruments. The consultancy Capgemini emphasizes that AI would offer solutions that companies have sought to provide for decades. Fake image generated with AI of explosion...
Unleash AI in the palm of your hand with OpenAI's ChatGPT app. Traditional search methods are disrupted, challenging the status quo. There are myriad potential downsides to using AI on mobile devices. As...
The ethical issues raised by the widespread adoption of AI are the subject of global debate. Can an AI chatbot be trusted to behave ethically, and in accordance with the best interests of human users? Researchers...
Juan Almeida’s death adds to a series of controversies and accusations of torture by the Venezuelan authorities in relation to those detained in this PDVSA corruption case. Juan Almeida, involved in a case...
The idea of ​​an AI Digital God raises concerns about privacy, surveillance, economic disruption, and concentration of power. Ethical dilemmas and decision-making are critical challenges associated with highly advanced AI systems. Government and industry must collaborate...
Parallels between Don't Look Up and the potential risks of AGI are discussed. The role of education, awareness, and collaboration in addressing AGI challenges is highlighted. The importance of regulatory frameworks and international cooperation is argued.