Monday, May 6, 2024
With Bachelor of Economics from The London School of Economics & Political Science and  MSc  in Mathematical Trading and Finance from Cass Business School, Mr. Pattekar brings 17 years of trading and market analysis experience, having worked at Merrill...
The reasons why PayPal decided to invest in Blockchain and the incidence of this technology on identity services are explained in this report. The international payment-service firm, PayPal revealed its intentions for the Blockchain technology...
Whilst digital assets and cryptocurrencies have been criticized by more conservative sectors ever since they appeared, especially most notably after they became mainstream, other communities and fields have embraced them as decentralized options to store, buy, sell, or trade value.
The experts must prepare, before the last month of 2020, a detailed report to the Governor about their investigations On January 2nd, a member of the US Legislative Assembly, announced, on his official Facebook account,...
The intention is to increase the use of the platform mainly in India, the United States, and Europe Samsung SDS teamed up with the Indian Giant Tech Mahindra, a multinational provider of information technology and business process...
Memes can provide basic information on a subject and facilitate its understanding. In the crypto world, it is possible to choose between using spontaneous memes and advertising strategies. Undoubtedly, memes constitute a cultural phenomenon of modern... makes it possible to create private and anonymous chat rooms that last 24 hours. The conversations held in the platform are not registered in any database. It was reported that an application to create...
The cloud system called Huawei Cloud seeks to improve technology services in Chinese companies Announced last Wednesday, March 19th, during a conference given within the framework of Cloud Summit 2019, Huawei, the important technological company dedicated...
The consumption of electricity increased by 7% compared with that of last year. This indicator is presumably related to crypto-mining Each machine to mine cryptocurrencies consumes the equivalent of the energy consume by 24 Iranian homes, according...
The applications of blockchain technology in the financial world are a subject that has occupied investors, bank owners and officials, governments, clients, and potential customers. In the past few hours, another alliance has been formed to look for innovative...