Sunday, May 5, 2024
It is an alternative to the low salaries of the island’s citizens. Ponzi schemes could be a problem. Cryptocurrencies in Cuba begin to gain strength despite the silence of the island's government about Bitcoin, according to...
Last year was the worst time for half of the altcoins analyzed. The results could reflect that there is no need to have multiple cryptocurrencies. Many major alternative cryptocurrencies have performed well against the US dollar...
Tone Vays believes that the rise in the price of Bitcoin has already largely discounted halving. The analyst believes that if Bitcoin ETF makes decisions without consensus, it will pay the consequences. At the Baltic...
Recognizing the technology's huge potential in several of its applications, a branch of the United States (US) Army is currently pre-soliciting experts in the blockchain and in cryptocurrencies, in the form of crypto investigation service providers. The...
Spark Pool, Ethermine and F2Pool have voted on limits of almost 9,000,000 GAS per block. The three pools have about 60% of Ethereum processing power. About 50% of Ethereum miners are in favor of the...
Over 2,000 developers will flood the metaverse to compete for the awards. Last March, the company held a similar contest that rewarded the best 50 creations. Decentraland, the virtual reality platform built on Ethereum, announced the...
Satoshi Meetup in Venezuela is a non-profit educational event aimed at familiarizing people with Bitcoin. The event is supported by Samourai Wallet, Blockstream and other companies from the ecosystem. Cryptocurrencies have been gaining relevance in Venezuela in...
The online service provided by the exchange house was not available for about seven hours. The CoinMarketCap index warned users that they should exercise caution regarding their funds. The website of the cryptocurrency exchange house...
Almost 10% of the cryptocurrency exchanges considered in the survey do not have a country of registration. The amount of funds transferred by G20 countries is reduced as stock exchanges are distributed worldwide. The United Kingdom...
Gemini’s offer includes support for new cryptocurrencies, the ability to instantly exchange offline storage and an improved interface. Gemini Trust Company, LLC (Gemini), is the cryptocurrency exchange and custodian of the Cameron brothers and Tyler Winklevoss....