Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Some countries in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa have low energy rates. The low cost of electricity in different regions makes it possible to decentralize Bitcoin mining. A report from...
The price of the main altcoins in the market has dropped in just 24 hours. That of Bitcoin has risen by 40% in the last month. In recent days, the price of the pioneering cryptocurrency exceeded...
On Saturday, CoinDesk, the crypto news portal, revealed information about some Tether banking relationships. After a lengthy legal battle, crypto news portal CoinDesk has accessed internal documents related to Tether's financial relationships. In...
In an interview with Forbes magazine, VISA Global Vice President of Fintech Terry Angelos said that many cryptocurrency companies had shown “significant interest” in working with them. Terry Angelos, a Senior VISA executive, though he did...
The Mexican congressman seeks to punish those who misuse AI to cause harm to third parties with 2 to 8 years in prison. Miguel Torruco Garza sent the initiative to the Justice Commission, where it stipulates...
The Bitcoin network was recently clogged with a backlog of over 560,000 unconfirmed transactions. Memory usage topped the 300MB mark, reaching a staggering 1GB. Even transaction fees skyrocketed, reaching over 20 sat/vB at one point. What is...
The probabilities favor sellers, but the ground would be clear for USD 260 if the price of BNB lost support at USD 343. As long as the value does not lose that level, the strong upward...
Brent Whitehead and Matt Lohstroh, two University of Texas alumni, are building their fortunes by mining Bitcoin (BTC) from oil drilling flue gas, previously considered a waste with a huge environmental impact. When...
Beginners should learn the basic knowledge of the market and avoid emotional trading before investing. They could also copy the trade orders of veterans or a demo account to ensure obtaining higher profits.
Since the last restriction, the exchange rate between the yuan and Tether decreased to 4.4%. Since mid-May, transactions of almost USD 1 trillion in cryptocurrencies have been estimated in China. After China's financial...