Friday, April 26, 2024
Thai entrepreneurs have benefited from the repression against Chinese miners by buying mining equipment cheaply. Pongsakorn says Bitcoin is digital gold since miners receive dividends according to its price, as with the precious metal.
A member of Banxico said that the central bank's digital currency would not displace cash. Mexico has had one of the first laws in Spanish America that regulate cryptocurrencies since 2019. The deputy...
Dalio recognized that cryptocurrencies have gained considerable momentum but said various assets had been competing with them. Although he partially supports BTC and altcoins, he disagrees that they can reach very high prices.
There were four transfers for 15,047 BTC and another four for 10,158 BTC   between unknown wallets on the first day. Those amounts reappeared on the following day when 15,047 BTC and another for 10,158 BTC went...
Echelon malware spreads among Telegram and Discord cryptocurrency pools, and it targets wallets like Electrum, Exodus, and Jaxx. Hackers aim at cryptocurrency users through new malware spreading on messaging platforms like Telegram. Cybersecurity...
According to authorities, bitcoin mining is struggling with electricity in winter. The government desires to reduce the fuel consumption of power plants. Bitcoin mining in Iran gets affected again in 2021. The authorities...
BIP-119 proposes automated transactions with spending parameters. The author suggests an activation route similar to that of Taproot. The BIP-119, the initiative that would become Bitcoin's next famous update, already counts on a...
The update will be available for IDEs like Qt Creators and VIM. The service is not yet available for VS Code. The new version of Ethereum and its new native programming language, Solidity,...
The report issued by the Reserve Bank of India details that they all agree with launching a CBDC, as long as it contemplates functions and gets inserted in the payment systems managed in the country.
The stacking needs to get 32 ETH blocked and thus become a validator. The pools allow staking with amounts much less than the 32 ETH required. The staking of Ethereum 2.0 is creating...