Saturday, April 20, 2024
Mining pools that signposted in favor of Taproot comprise 50% of the Bitcoin hashrate. The Taproot Speedy Trial consists of 6 mining difficulty periods in total. Taproot won't activate its functions during the...
Cuban and Creative Planning CEO Peter Mallouk recently debated the performance of cryptocurrencies and stocks. Mallouk defends his position that stocks will yield higher returns in the long run than cryptocurrencies. American entrepreneur...
There are at least a total of 9,563 cryptocurrencies currently in circulation, according to data from CoinMarketCap. Each of the cryptocurrencies outside of the top 10 is worth an average of USD 4.6 million.
The attack took effect due to the mechanism of rapid recovery or flash loans. Between 2019 and 2021, this modus operandi made possible the theft of more than 280 million dollars in DeFi.
ETH has dropped around 30% in the last week. The cryptocurrency domains at least 16% of the current market. Ether (ETH) has launched a new market hit. Ethereum's native cryptocurrency raised $ 3,000...
This upgrade to the network will allow operators to conduct more transactions and pay lower fee costs for mining. The burning of the base fee amount will decrease the supply of ETH as well as miners'...
Profits on the network are reaching new levels thanks to the rise in the price of Bitcoin. Amid rising prices, miners prefer to accumulate rather than sell. Currently, Bitcoin (BTC) miners are generating...
China recently issued new anti-fraud rules to combat financial scams involving cryptocurrencies. Fake P2P lending platforms continue to thrive even though the country has closed around 6,000 of them. In recent days, the...
The shares of CoinBase, the first cryptocurrency exchange to go public, went from USD 250 to USD 381 in a few hours. Morgan Creek believes that the SEC will approve a Bitcoin ETF in the United...
The countdown to Ether becoming a deflationary crypto asset will begin on May 19th. Developers activated the first testnet to observe the operation of the blockchain after the merger of ETH1 and ETH2.