Sunday, May 19, 2024
The European Union presents a package of measures for sustainable finance. ETC Group is not the only institution to react to Musk's tweets. ETC Group announced that it would finance the projects to...
Galaxy Digital believes that China's attack has nothing to do with the removal of the carbon footprint. A set of measures against cryptocurrencies would affect both the Chinese OTC market and stable coins.
He suggested Venezuelans believe that cryptocurrency would improve their lives. The executive revealed the strategy that MicroStrategy applies to avoid the risks of volatility. Michael Saylor believes that people would improve their lives...
At least 200 companies in the US received damage, including a supermarket chain in Sweden. The US government is investigating the crimes. A group of cybercriminals is demanding $ 70 million in Bitcoin...
The Blockchain and Crypto Assets Observatory intend to improve the digital economy. The initiative arises from the Chair of Financial Markets Law. The University of San Pablo, in the Spanish capital (Madrid), will...
The official defends Bitcoin as an alternative to fiat money as a store of value and as an investment mechanism. Many believe that Bitcoin mining contributes to harming the environment due to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
Although the impact of cryptocurrencies on society has been significant, they still have to face many challenges. People's trust in cryptocurrencies will increase their market value along with demand. Cryptocurrencies grow when more...
Venezuela has joined the top 10 nations with the highest hash rate, but many miners have not yet legalized their situation. The authorities ban miners from working at home to avoid causing problems in their surroundings...
Software maker Beijing Qudao Cultural Development had its cryptocurrency Mao Li Coin before the ban. Since May, the Chinese government has not allowed the trading of cryptocurrencies on the territory. The People's Bank...
The senator believes that Mexico falls behind in financial inclusion, especially when it comes to Bitcoin. She applauded the Salvadoran president's decision to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. In recent days, the Mexican...